Create and upload container images to AWS ECR with Kaniko inside Kubernetes

Sat, Nov 17, 2018 3-minute read

In this post i’ll show how to create container images inside Kubernetes using Kaniko and uploading to ECR repository.

First of all we need to configure kaniko for ecr url and aws credentials to work with ecr using iam. Kaniko config doesnt comes with aws ecr helper tag we should add our ecr fqdn and tag to this file.


        "auths": {
        "credHelpers": {
                "": "gcr",
                "": "gcr",
                "": "gcr",
                "": "gcr",
                "": "gcr",
                "": "gcr",

Using kubectl creating configmap with this config.json

$ kubectl create configmap credconfig --from-file=config.json 
configmap/credconfig created

It also need aws credentials so we’r going to give this using kubectl create secret. Im going to use only ecr access iam credentials for this.

$ kubectl create secret generic aws-secret --from-file=credentials_only_ecr
secret/aws-secret created


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: kaniko
  - name: kaniko
    args: ["--dockerfile=Dockerfile",
      - name: aws-secret
        mountPath: /root/.aws/
      - name: credconfig
        mountPath: /kaniko/.docker/
  restartPolicy: Never
    - name: aws-secret
        secretName: aws-secret
    - name: credconfig
        name: credconfig

Here kaniko logs:

INFO[0000] Downloading base image python:3-slim         
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: E1117 11:08:09.288305       1 metadata.go:142] while reading 'google-dockercfg' metadata: http status code: 404 while fetching url
ERROR: logging before flag.Parse: E1117 11:08:09.292754       1 metadata.go:159] while reading 'google-dockercfg-url' metadata: http status code: 404 while fetching url
2018/11/17 11:08:09 No matching credentials were found, falling back on anonymous
INFO[0001] Executing 0 build triggers                   
INFO[0001] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...        
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /dev, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /etc/hosts, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /kaniko, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /proc, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /root/.aws, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /sys, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /var/run, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Using files from context: [/kaniko/buildcontext] 
INFO[0002] ADD . /app                                   
INFO[0002] Taking snapshot of files...                  
INFO[0002] WORKDIR /app                                 
INFO[0002] cmd: workdir                                 
INFO[0002] Changed working directory to /app            
INFO[0002] Taking snapshot of full filesystem...        
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /dev, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /etc/hosts, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /kaniko, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /proc, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /root/.aws, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /sys, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] Skipping paths under /var/run, as it is a whitelisted directory 
INFO[0002] No files were changed, appending empty layer to config. No layer added to image. 
INFO[0002] CMD ["python3",""]                   
2018/11/17 11:08:14 pushed blob sha256:d0eb458241dea91234213a46893b0fe6cec42576ed3ea9b283b988bc97067ac32
2018/11/17 11:08:14 pushed blob sha256:ba03597532d52402745666b266c03983149de129de5ca8eb01ec321412390ac6
2018/11/17 11:08:15 pushed blob sha256:3a6fba0409825ce0c720161f7c30e12faad5f210bf1ebffa28df16ed112958a6
2018/11/17 11:08:18 pushed blob sha256:a5a6f2f73cd8abbdc55d0df0d8834f7262713e87d6c8800ea3851f103025e0f0
2018/11/17 11:08:18 pushed blob sha256:a4b11c375c52d7c9d772123475d2f6e5784b0e7b249a47f123423b8312f53002
2018/11/17 11:08:19 pushed blob sha256:02c57c00f1bc8cdead0eee841a09277827b45c91e3ff1f550bc95d2823fe1934
2018/11/17 11:08:22 pushed blob sha256:738eb12343412bff2050fa1e0b87f07212341272028fc82c61923412efc0c435
2018/11/17 11:08:22 digest: sha256:f0513659f2492d30efcbdd0d0e2814da5f8aa4922bc833591c5ab5858c16f036 size: 1242

Lets check ecr repository

$ aws ecr describe-images --repository-name kaniko-webischia
    "imageDetails": [
            "imageSizeInBytes": 50857532, 
            "imageDigest": "sha256:f0513659f2492d30efcbdd0d0e2814da5f8aa4922bc833591c5ab5858c16f036", 
            "imageTags": [
            "registryId": "ACCOUNTNUMBER123", 
            "repositoryName": "kaniko-webischia", 
            "imagePushedAt": 1542452903.0